10 October
Han van Meegeren is born in Deventer as the third child of Roman Catholic parents
Until 1907
During his secundary education at the Hoger Burger School he receives private drawing lessons from Bartus Korteling (1853-1930), the father of his friend Willem Korteling
His father sends him to Delft to study architecture. He becomes a member of the Catholic Student Society Sanctus Vergilius
Marries Anna de Voogt
26 August
His son Jacques is born
8 January
Wins first prize in a drawing competition held by the General Sciences department of the College of Advanced Technology who commissioned the drawing of an interior of a church. His winning entry depicts the interior of the St. Laurens Church in Rotterdam
M.O. diploma in drawing
His daughter Pauline (later Inez) is born
24 April - 2 May
First solo exhibition in Kunstzaal Pictura, Den Haag
2 December
Member of the Haagsche Kunstkring (Art Society at The Hague)
Travels through Italy for three months
17 May - 7 June
Exhibition of Bijbelsche Tafereelen (Biblical Scenes) in Kunstzaal Biesing, The Hague
23 March
Divorce between Han van Meegeren and Anna de Voogt
Laughing Cavalier and Satisfied Smoker by 'Frans Hals' appear on the market
Secretary of the painting and sculpture department of the Haagsche Kunstkring (Art Society at The Hague)
A free reproduction called 'Hertje' (Young Deer) by Van Meegeren for those who partake in the lottery of the Haagsche Kunstkring. 20% Of the Dutch households had this reproducton hanging on the wall
Founding of the monthly magazine De Kemphaan (The Fighting Cock). The magazine opposes the progressive, modern art movements. Han contributes articles for De Kemphaan and designs the cover
12 November
Marries the actrice Jo Oerlemans, former wife of the art critic C.H. de Boer
Final edition of De Kemphaan
The discovery of Man and Woman at a Spinet in Vermeer-style, is announced by Bredius in Burlington Magazine
After a controversy in the Haagsche Kunstkring about his position, Han gives up his membership
Van Meegeren and his wife move to Roquebrune, South of France
Van Meegeren reproduces four (unsold) paintings in 17th century style; Woman Playing Music and Woman Reading a Letter in Vermeer-style, Malle Babbe in Frans Hals-style and Protrait of a Man in Ter Borch-style
Van Meegeren paints Christ at Emmaus in Vermeer-style
Early September
Christ at Emmaus is indentified by Bredius as a painting of Vermeer
18 June
Official delivery of Christ at Emmaus to Museum Boymans van Beuningen (Rotterdam), puchased with financial donations of the Rembrandt Society, Rotterdam ship-owner W. van der Vorm, Dr. A Bredius and some Rotterdam private persons
25 June - 15 October
Exhibition Meesterwerken uit vier eeuwen 1400-1800 (Masterpieces from four centuries 1400-1800) in Museum Boymans van Beuningen. Top attraction is Christ at Emmaus
Van Meegeren moves to Nice and paints The Card Players and The Drinking Party in Pieter de Hooch-style
In 1939 this last painting is sold to D.G. van Beuningen, through Rens Strijbis and art dealer Hoogendijk
Over a 17th century painting of Govert Flinck (a pupil of Rembrandt), Han paints The Last Supper in Vermeer-style
Because of the threat of the war, Han returns back to Holland, leaving The Last Supper behind in Nice
Van Meegeren paints a second version of The Last Supper and Head of Christ in Vermeer-style. The Last Supper is painted over a Hunting Scene by Abraham Hondius that was bought by Van Meegeren on May 29 1940 at the art dealer Douwes in Amsterdam
Sells through Rens Strijbis and artdealer Hoogendijk the Head of Christ and the second version of The Last Supper in Vermeer-style to D.G. Beuningen
He also paints Isaac Blessing Jacob which is bought by W. van der Vorm, Washing of Christ' Feet bought by Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam) and Christ and the Adultress in Vermeer-style.
The Card Players that he painted earlier is also sold to Van der Vorm
Museum Boymans van Beuningen buys the pastel Fighting Peacocks by Han van Meegeren. They don't realize that they already have a Van Meegeren painting in the collection
8 November - 1 December
Exhibition of drawings by Han van Meegeren, Hotel Hampdorf in Laren
from 3 January
Exhibition of drawings in Panorama Mesdag, The Hague
Book published: Han van Meegeren, Teekeningen 1 (Drawings 1)
Divorce between Van Meegeren and Jo Oerlemans because of financial reasons
Christ and the Adultress is sold to Marshall Hermann Göring
22 May
Captain Harry Anderson discovers Christ and the Adultress in Görings' art collection
Soon the traced lead to Van Meegeren
29 May
Arrest of Van Meegeren on accusation of collaboration, by selling a 'Vermeer' to Göring
After two weeks of imprisonment, on June 12 Han confesses that he is the counterfeiter of Christ at Emmaus and other paintings
August - half October
As proof of his confesion Han paints Young Christ in Vermeer-style
Marie-Louise Douart de La Gree writes in co-operation with Van Meegeren the book Emmaus
13 April
Dr. A Bredius passes away
29 October
On November 12 Van Meegeren is convicted to one year in prison
30 December
Van Meegeren gets a heartattack and passes away in the Valeriusclinic
5 September
Van Meegeren's household effects are auctioned in his house Keizersgracht 321 in Amsterdam
Till the day of his death in October 1955, D.G. van Beuningen is still convinced that Christ in Emmaus and The Last Supper are originals by Vermeer
Christ at Emmaus after 24 years, exposed in Museum Boymans van Beuningen
7 Juli
D. Hannema passes away. He also believed till his death, in the genuinness of Christ at Emmaus
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